Sunday, November 05, 2006

Aromatherapy to combat stress

AROMATHERAPY is one of the branches of Alternative Medicine. Aromatherapy if spilt into two words, Aroma means Scent and Therapy means Treatment.
It is a science involving treatment through scent. Aromatherapy is practiced through oils which are extracted from grasses, seeds, roots, stems, bark, leaves, flowers, fruits of the plants by distillation. The oils substances are such that it changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapour form. These are also known as essential oils.

Essential Oils

Essential oil is having the odour or flavour of the plant from which it has been extracted and they don’t leave a mark on your body. Fragrance oils and Essential oils are different. Essential Oils are extracted from various components of the real plants which offer remedial benefits where as fragrance oils are produced by adding artificial chemicals which do not have any remedial benefits. Any of the essential oils can be used individually or in combination to one another for therapeutic purposes.


Origins of Aromatherapy date back to more than 6000 years. Earlier the process started by burning substances that produces a fragrant odour when burned, extracting woods for oils for the purposes of medical therapies where they stimulate olfactory sensations.

A French chemist by the name of Rene-Maurice Gattefosse sloganeered the term ‘Aromatherapy’ in 1920. During one of his experiment he burned his hand. He put his hand into a vat of pure lavender in desperate effort to stop the unbearable pain. During next few days he observed that his burn had healed without getting any infection or marks on his hand. This discovery leads him to research the medicinal properties of essential oils.

Uses and Precautions

1) Lavender:
Uses: Burns, Acne, Wounds, Sores, Anxiety, Dandruff.
Precautions: It should not be used during early stages of pregnancy.

2) Lemon:
Uses: Headaches, Sore Throat, Constipation, Cold Sores, Insect Bites
Precautions: It should not be inhaled directly. Sunlight exposure
should be avoided.

3) Orange:
Uses: Insomnia, Nervous Tension, Respiratory Conditions, Stress
Precautions: It should not be used during pregnancy as it has
antispasmodic properties.

4) Rose:
Uses: Aging skin, Depression, Sensitive skin, Dry skin, Headache,
Broken Veins, PMS Symptoms.
Precautions: It should not be used during pregnancy as it has
antispasmodic properties.

5) Rosemary:
Uses: Oily skin, Fatigue, Wounds, Colds, Rheumatism, Digestive
Precautions: It should not be used during pregnancy as it has antispasmodic properties.

6) Sandalwood:
Uses: Urinary Infections, Water Retention, Immune System Booster, Sore Throat, Impotence.
Precautions: It should not be used during pregnancy as it has antispasmodic properties.


Aromatherapy is the art of healing physical, mental as well as emotional well being through essentials oils which are extracted from aromatic plants. Aromatherapy believes that treating only the symptoms won’t solve the problem but it should go to the root cause of the problem. Aromatherapy is one of the holistic approach to treat an ailment and it work wonders when mind and body are in tune with each other while taking the treatment.

Certain oils cannot be used during certain health conditions and if used it can cause graves consequences. Therefore, it should be understood that Aromatherapy treatment should be started only on the advice of a professional.